My Ramadhan convictions

Umm A'bdullah
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Going MIA!

Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash


Wow, it’s been along time since I post. So many things kept me away, exam prep, Ramadhan, etc. I could go on listing so many excuses, but that’s not the reason I am here today

To list out excuses for my absence? Of course not!

But while I went MIA, mostly as a result of Ramadhan and exam prep. I realized certain important aspects of myself I would like to change.

Warning ahead: This is much more of rambling, so proceed at your discretion

Ramadhan taught me a lot! Although I started Ramadhan in anxiety of whether I could do better, I am glad in a way that I actually felt it. It changed something within me

So what’s all this talk about?

It’s about my official announcement to go MIA! Yes, you read that right.

In a few days, I would be an adult, but that’s not the cherry part of the news or about the lessons I learnt.

You would have mostly heard Ramadhan serves as training ground for the believers. Yeah it’s !

Having to restrain yourself from what you considered “basic” and “a need”, while seeking a connection and attaining a spiritual realm is not easy. Prove that wrong if you can!

But this is something we go through, and then without realizing, the “need” becomes just as ephemeral as anything you can possibly imagine, why because the bond you seek gives you a sense of fulfillment and tranquility you have probably never tasted before.


Getting to the point.

Ramadhan made me realize that I am in a certain stage of my life where somethings I tagged “important”as a type of “necessity” is just as frivolous.

  • Thirty days,where I had to prioritize my to-do list, in order to achieve my set Ramadhan goals.
  • Thirty days where I had frozen all my social accounts except for some, in order that I can be focused.

. And among these days, I had to write an exam which can just be as tasking (especially when you are just happening to open what has been taught).

These experiences made me realize that for the remaining 2–3 years I want to spend in nursing school, I can’t do it all.

But, I can certainly prioritize some goals over another

That I need to cut off some distractions, I thought necessary

That I need to redefine my goals and purpose.

My first important definition of myself is a servant of Al- Hadyy

But am I working tirelessly to please Him?

My second important goal is to graduate with distinctions.

Am I seriously putting all that effort?

And just like those fleeting 30 days, these 2–3 years will be over in the twinkle of an eye.

And I shall do what I did to succeed in those days!



Umm A'bdullah

Muslimah|| Heart matters|| Aspiring writer|| Poem lover|| Nursing student|| Aspiring psychotherapist||